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NIKKI勇敢的离开美国纽约,来到成都最偏远最农村的“高地”艺术区做驻留艺术家。3个月来,用她异乡人的眼光打量成都的当代艺术,并让他们驻留 在自己的创作当中。正如此次展览策展人何工所说:“Nikki是个勇敢的人,敢于走出纽约来到“高地”,在这个世人看来与艺术无关的中国乡村作驻留艺术 家。成群结队前赴后继的蚊子、赶集时活杀鸡鸭的场景、能卷得像古巴雪茄一样的土烟叶、村民的婚丧酒席都表明这里不是纽约。报以后殖民式闯入者的心 态,Nikki自然地从宗主文化的立场好奇的看待眼前的事物,会同猎奇、想象和误读她亢奋而高效地生产作品,在这次有预谋的文化探险中登上了假想和隐喻的 乞力马扎罗。”



At 3:00 p.m. on October 31 2010, "as the board Kilimanjaro - NIKKI's Highland," solo exhibition American Women Artists NIKKI Blue Roof Art Museum in Chengdu.
The exhibition display pencil and pastel paintings by NIKKI, more than... 20 pieces of art. Her works mainly depict her experience in Chengdu's Gao Fandian, during a 3 month residency at "Highland" Arts District.
"Nikki is brave enough to leave New York and come to the “Highland”. She becomes a resident artist in a village of China which has nothing to do with art in people’s eyes. The mosquitoes in large groups, the scene of killing the chickens and ducks in the market, the tobacco leaves curling like Cuban cigars and villagers’ marriage and funeral banquets, all of these show that it is not New York. With an attitude of a post-colonial intruder, Nikki treats things she sees naturally from the standpoint of suzerain culture. With novelty, imagination and misreading, she has produced works excitedly and effectively. She ascends to Kilimanjaro of imaginary and metaphor in the planned cultural adventure." (writes curator and artist He Gong)
The foreign artist Nikki has had presence in Chengdu just only 3 months. This 3 months she has been stationed in the "highland" art district in the art, contemporary art from the area he described some of the Chengdu people point of view, these three months with her artistic circle of friends in Chengdu played very hot.
This exhibition held at Chengdu Blue Roof Museum is the first solo exhibition of a foreign artist in Chengdu. Indeed, art of communicating at home and abroad have raised the platform.

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