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SummerSpace 2011: Unchained Melodies on Canvas

SummerSpace 2011
Paintings by Chengdu artist Jiang Jian
curated by New York artist Nikki Schiro
(艺术家 希罗)

Magali Olive, Emma Boitier, Thierry Daher

artist Jessica Rosen, Kevin Takasato and friends

Artists Nikki Schiro and Jiang Jian with Oncology Nurses of Roosevelt Hospital's 11G

artists Naomi Beesen, Yao Zu Lu, and Laurence De Vries

Artists Sandra Mack Valencia and Jiang Jian with Oncology friends from Roosevelt and BI hospitals.
...Featuring The Electronic Translator! Sometimes it works, other times it's a good laugh.

artists Nikki Schiro, Yao Zu Lu and Timothy Cruz

My Ace-Kum-Boom, Frederic Ozaneaux

Jiang Jian Fred Ozaneaux Benji and Eduard

artists Jiang Jian and Sandra

Jiang Jian with Frank Schiro

artists Jiang Jian and Anna Lise Jensen

Artists Julia Whitney Barnes and Jessica Rosen with Juliette

Artists Jiang Jian and Kaze